Dungeon 1 | Dungeon 2 | Dungeon 3 | Sin Bin | Bits & Pieces | The Collection | Bathroom, Kitchen & Entrance | VIP Womb |
Beyond the VIP Womb lies the enigmatic Inner Sanctum. This is not part of your hire. The bizarre, mind boggling contents and activities that go on in there will remain a total mystery to all but the most trusted special few. The Dungeon Keeper will retire to his sound proofed Inner Sanctum, and will remain there for the duration of your hire. |
The DK has all facilities in his Inner Sanctum and need never leave there as all his requirements are provided for in luxurious comfort. The entrance to The Dungeon Keeper's Inner Sanctum is guarded by Dungeon Dalek and this ensures DK's total security. You can summon the DK (AKA: Oh Mighty Time Lord) when ever you wish, or at the end of your hire via a bell push in Dungeon Room Two. During your Hire the Inner Sanctum Door will remain closed in addition to the VIP Womb doors, Your absolute privacy during your hire at LDH is always assured at all times. |
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